Friday, January 22, 2010

Even more links

TriMet: WES Works! Testimonials from WES riders

TriMet: WES Works! Testimonials from a WES conductor


Twitter / Ned Holbrook: No thanks to the driver of the TriMet 19 bus at Stark for not opening the door to let me on just now.

Twitter / Leslie Nichols: Landed in PDX and on the TriMet. Really nice to be in a town that's figured out that whole public transportation thing.

--Twitter / Admiral D: @TheOtherLeslie I'm jealous! LOL! I like PDX and I have ridden on the TriMet light rail! Have fun!!

Twitter / Meg Krugel: i've long loved public transit, but today, #trimet driver humiliated me and brought me to tears. needless to say, the love affair is over. 11:25 AM Jan 20th from web

Twitter / John St. Clair: @megkrugel: I'm a TriMet driver. Definitely call CS. Every call gets recorded. Most people think it doesn't help but it does. :)

Twitter / kberkery: Bum back made me take bus. Kudos to Trimet & riders. Driver welcomed us to Hillsdale! People thank the driver when getting off! Awesome!

Twitter / Gary!: yay trimet checked for fares! I like it when they justify my $75 monthly pass by kicking off the nonpayers

Twitter / Danielle Savory Huff: My first " long" journey on trimet. Got my schedule, snacks, a book, & 3 different knitting projects. What the adventure!

Twitter / Monica Havens: I HATE having to rely on #trimet! Can't even tell you how many times they've made me late for work. If there were another option I'd take it

Twitter / brittamarie: love how the Trimet cop just got mad at me for validating my ticket. "oh, so what is the TICKET VALIDATOR for?"

Twitter / Dragondazd: Trimet tried to add a fricking 30 minutes to my day with bottleneck delays and a stealth color change. could have told us while waiting damn 8:20 PM Jan 21st from web

Twitter / Celena Carr: He he. My @trimet driver just told someone trying to catch the bus to "run like you want it." 5:57 PM Jan 21st from Tweed

Twitter / art: @mattbarto @dsilver829 on trimet, I can even tell if the bus or train is late and by how many minutes! I'm moving! 5:07 PM Jan 21st from Echofon

Twitter / Chad Solomon: On @trimet line 56 to Portland with bus 2908, driver is laidback & very nice to everyone! 1:44 PM Jan 21st from mobile web

Twitter / Joseph Rose: @pinkessa yes. One incident tends to get blown out of proprtion. Still I wish Trimet actually kept track of these kinds of complaints 12:51 PM Jan 21st from TweetDeck

Twitter / Chad Solomon: You would think a trimet bus would be the last place to have a casual phone call about dying family members 12:32 PM Jan 21st from web

Twitter / Kelli Templin: Was gonna complain to Trimet bout my bus being 12 mins late, but don't wanna get strangled ;) 9:14 AM Jan 21st from mobile web

Twitter / MrMojave: Westbound Red Line train stuck at Mall station for last 10 minutes... I am stuck on WB Blue Line train behind it. #trimet 9:02 AM Jan 21st from Twitterrific

Twitter / Squid Vicious: I don't know what's going on with the drivers at TriMet but they seem 2 get in more trouble then the cast of Jersey Shore the last 12 months 8:22 AM Jan 21st from web

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