Sunday, January 24, 2010

Today's links

Debating light rail? Think long term | The Columbian

Twitter / Bubbles: @RocketIsRad shit, I bet you don't get on the bus he drives for TriMet and ask him when he's getting a "real job."

Twitter / K. Gibson: I wonder if anyone let #trimet know that their "shelters" on the green line are pretty much ineffectual if there's any wind.

Twitter / Kal Cobalt: Comical moment calling TriMet line to check on my bus - iPhone doesn't fit easily between my hoodie hood and my giant dangly 0g ear jewelry!

Twitter / Lena Munday: Grey days, empty streets, Trimet rides = time to think about art!

Twitter / Kon1: Got hella meanstreak tags in SE too! Oh and I hit a trimet bus with the bizzness! Should be flossin on the baack of the 72 all day!

Twitter / Melissa: I would love to know why it's ok for Trimet to park a bus thats not even in-service in the bike lane, forcing me into busy traffic going 50+ 3:08 PM Jan 23rd from web

Twitter / KTBMO: I love me some tranny bus driver... #trimet 8:41 AM Jan 23rd from Tweetie

Twitter / Carol Pucci: Portland public transport so far ahead of Seattle. Ride all day for $4.75, lite rail, buses, streetcars 8:34 AM Jan 23rd from Echofon

Twitter / This is my real name: I'm in a cab. Fuck you, Trimet. Faintly smells of shit under futile attempt at masking it. 1:39 AM Jan 23rd from txt

Friday, January 22, 2010

Even more links

TriMet: WES Works! Testimonials from WES riders

TriMet: WES Works! Testimonials from a WES conductor


Twitter / Ned Holbrook: No thanks to the driver of the TriMet 19 bus at Stark for not opening the door to let me on just now.

Twitter / Leslie Nichols: Landed in PDX and on the TriMet. Really nice to be in a town that's figured out that whole public transportation thing.

--Twitter / Admiral D: @TheOtherLeslie I'm jealous! LOL! I like PDX and I have ridden on the TriMet light rail! Have fun!!

Twitter / Meg Krugel: i've long loved public transit, but today, #trimet driver humiliated me and brought me to tears. needless to say, the love affair is over. 11:25 AM Jan 20th from web

Twitter / John St. Clair: @megkrugel: I'm a TriMet driver. Definitely call CS. Every call gets recorded. Most people think it doesn't help but it does. :)

Twitter / kberkery: Bum back made me take bus. Kudos to Trimet & riders. Driver welcomed us to Hillsdale! People thank the driver when getting off! Awesome!

Twitter / Gary!: yay trimet checked for fares! I like it when they justify my $75 monthly pass by kicking off the nonpayers

Twitter / Danielle Savory Huff: My first " long" journey on trimet. Got my schedule, snacks, a book, & 3 different knitting projects. What the adventure!

Twitter / Monica Havens: I HATE having to rely on #trimet! Can't even tell you how many times they've made me late for work. If there were another option I'd take it

Twitter / brittamarie: love how the Trimet cop just got mad at me for validating my ticket. "oh, so what is the TICKET VALIDATOR for?"

Twitter / Dragondazd: Trimet tried to add a fricking 30 minutes to my day with bottleneck delays and a stealth color change. could have told us while waiting damn 8:20 PM Jan 21st from web

Twitter / Celena Carr: He he. My @trimet driver just told someone trying to catch the bus to "run like you want it." 5:57 PM Jan 21st from Tweed

Twitter / art: @mattbarto @dsilver829 on trimet, I can even tell if the bus or train is late and by how many minutes! I'm moving! 5:07 PM Jan 21st from Echofon

Twitter / Chad Solomon: On @trimet line 56 to Portland with bus 2908, driver is laidback & very nice to everyone! 1:44 PM Jan 21st from mobile web

Twitter / Joseph Rose: @pinkessa yes. One incident tends to get blown out of proprtion. Still I wish Trimet actually kept track of these kinds of complaints 12:51 PM Jan 21st from TweetDeck

Twitter / Chad Solomon: You would think a trimet bus would be the last place to have a casual phone call about dying family members 12:32 PM Jan 21st from web

Twitter / Kelli Templin: Was gonna complain to Trimet bout my bus being 12 mins late, but don't wanna get strangled ;) 9:14 AM Jan 21st from mobile web

Twitter / MrMojave: Westbound Red Line train stuck at Mall station for last 10 minutes... I am stuck on WB Blue Line train behind it. #trimet 9:02 AM Jan 21st from Twitterrific

Twitter / Squid Vicious: I don't know what's going on with the drivers at TriMet but they seem 2 get in more trouble then the cast of Jersey Shore the last 12 months 8:22 AM Jan 21st from web

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More links

Twitter / Dan Christensen: Tonight was such a great night for driving a trimet bus, It reminds me of all the great things about Portland.... and the rain. about 3 hours ago from web

Twitter / Dan Christensen: After the success of no pants day on Trimet bus and trains they are going to have NO BRAINS DAY today. Very excited to see who rides. 9:29 AM Jan 17th from web

Twitter / Dan Christensen: Ready for my sunday bus drive portland oregon Line 12, have top hat rill roll. three to midnight. See ya sunday. 12:32 AM Jan 17th from web

Twitter / Atomic Taco: @oranviri Well when I was a kid I had AOL. I suppose their logo resmbles TriMet's current logo. 6:42 PM Jan 19th from TweetDeck

Twitter / Caleb Bushner: @MayorSamAdams does it right. I <3 @trimet. RT @TreeHugger: US Public Transit Riders Save $9,200/yr Compared to Drivers 2:08 PM Jan 19th from TweetDeck

Twitter / Kelly Temple: goiing to be late to class. gotta love trimet. 4:02 PM Jan 19th from mobile web

Twitter / Karen Evans: OMG! I have a radar app! I can track @trimet buses w/ it! SWEET! 5:18 PM Jan 19th from twidroid

Twitter / mileskane: @RobertDMorse Why pay? When people freeload, it hurts the entire community. Trimet's budget woes barely allow it to maintain basic service. 1:41 PM Jan 19th from Tweetie

Twitter / Tim Chin: Omg, crazy man on trimet... Literally crazy 2:49 PM Jan 18th from txt

Twitter / Brett: #trimet #ghettofabulous 4:55 PM Jan 17th from twidroid

Twitter / Brett: Damn, seriously?changing your baby's diaper on the max? #trimet #whatthefuck 4:48 PM Jan 17th from twidroid

Twitter / specialj: Ah trimet. My fault for missing the bus I should have been on, their fault for being 10 min late on the next one. Prob miss my transfer :( 5:04 PM Jan 16th from web


King County Metro North Base Field Trip

Sandy man beaten on Gresham MAX platform will get $75,000

Hey @trimet this was on the 15 belmont. FYI

TriMet light-rail substation incorporates art, wind, sun

TriMet: South Terminus Energy Project

Twitter / Meg Krugel: i've long loved public transit, but today, #trimet driver humiliated me and brought me to tears. needless to say, the love affair is over.

Twitter / spidermitch: Dear @TriMet, thanks for once again wasting my time with a mysterious evaporating bus. I'm taking a dump in the back of the 35. Good day. MM 7:40 AM Jan 19th from TweetDeck

Filming on @trimet.

Twitter / Lynn Twiss: #trimet MAX driver totally just talked smack over the PA to two riders that caused the train to stop at a light. 11:23 PM Jan 16th from TweetDeck

Twitter / Laura Jane: I am riding @trimet for the first time today! This is a big step for a former Metro girl...wish me luck. 2:23 PM Jan 16th from twidroid

Twitter / L Benjamin Fenton: Drama on the Max: I just saw some kid run away when a TriMet Officer tried to give him a 75$ ticket. He got away. 11:32 AM Jan 16th from txt

Twitter / Amanda Wolfe: Are the folks who program the Trimet trip planner on drugs? To get to Kennedy school from the Pearl, it says Blue to 82nd, then #72? WTF? 9:41 PM Jan 15th from TweetDeck

Twitter / Chris Ross: @trimet Bus drivers selectively enforcing formally fareless square--the more insane and rude you act, the more likely you are to get a pass. 6:47 PM Jan 15th from Tweetie

Twitter / Nik Anderson: @trimet very exciting! Bus driver at the rose garden came across the center line to almost hit me head on. I was the white Subaru, honking. 5:27 PM Jan 15th from TweetDeck

Twitter / adrienne morris: Fuck you, trimet, due to your incorrect timing i'm probably getting a write up at work. YOU'RE SO CONVENIENT. 5:23 PM Jan 15th from txt

Twitter / swansonx4: Pretty sure TriMet is trying to crush my will to live today... 5:00 PM Jan 15th from Twee

Twitter / smartasskicker: And i ask, yet again... When did Trimet get so dysfunctional? What a waste of time. 5:00 PM Jan 15th from txt

Twitter / Mandi Baldwin: @Dan_Christensen Tell all your brethren that I am VERY impressed w/ the professionalism and friendliness of all the PDX trimet people I meet 1:18 AM Jan 15th from web

Twitter / morgaN Star: really enjoys the daily adventure that is trimet 10:51 PM Jan 14th from Swift

Twitter / Mandi Baldwin: Watching some serious drama unfold on the train #trimet 9:56 PM Jan 14th from twidroid

Twitter / Brennan: The 44 bus smells like the inside of a hobo's armpit. Sorry to offend any hobos on Twitter/facebook. #pdx #trimet #fb 9:31 PM Jan 14th from txt

Twitter / Danny Chaoflux: Trimet ticket machine had epic unescapable error message via windows 95 looking popup. Trimet cops hassling people who got onboard anyhow. 5:50 PM Jan 14th from Twigee

YouTube - TriMet Buzzing Lamp at major bus stop.3gp [may be 61X stop at Beaverton TC]

Twitter / malken19: VR FRAK YEAH!!!! SOMEONE TURNED MY WALLET INTO TRIMET. JUST FOUND IT AT LOST AND FOUND!!!:) in Portland, OR 10:49 AM Jan 14th from Loopt

Twitter / Jane Pellicciotto: New to the bus. Very impressed by TriMet's site structure and features. They've thought of everything. 10:44 AM Jan 14th from web

Twitter / Weston Ruter: Ugh, there are waaay too many buses on line 8 Jackson Park to OHSU and Veteran's Hospital… Every. Single. Bus. @TriMet 9:20 AM Jan 14th from web

Twitter / Meredith L Thomasson: Hey @trimet, want to know why your ridership is so low? MAX trains don't stop long enough for people to get on board! 8:06 AM Jan 14th from Tweetie

Twitter / cthulhubert: Class got out 20 minutes early because the teacher kinda spaced. But Trimet would still get me home same time as waiting for the shuttle. 8:09 PM Jan 13th from txt

Twitter / Peter: @OregonianBiz Really? They must have stellar pr. Since the horrific bus line changes they refuse to address you'd think TriMet was pro rider 7:45 PM Jan 13th from Seesmic

Twitter / Rayleen Courtney: Getting on the westbound Max in NE, with grocery totes... right before a Blazer game. Epic TriMet fail. 7:14 PM Jan 13th from txt

Twitter / Andy Sherwood: It's always disturbing when you can smell skeezy people before you see them on MAX. #trimet 6:22 PM Jan 13th from TweetDeck

NYC Follows TriMet's Lead on Open Source

Twitter / ginarau: Sad to report that there is little to no use of "excuse me" when trying to get off a crowded @trimet train - more of a push. What happened? 5:02 PM Jan 13th from Twikini

Twitter / Joshua Ray : Got to love drivers with attitudes #trimet #fail 8:22 AM Jan 13th from Swift

Twitter / MrMojave: I haven't seen a fare inspector in weeks. So what happens when I forget my annual pass for the 1st time in a yr? Booted from train #trimet 8:15 AM Jan 13th from Twitterrific

Twitter / Hilarius: When oh when did Trimet go to shit? 11:08 PM Jan 12th from web

Father disputes TriMet video of child trapped by doors

Twitter / elliotay: found out @avatron is going to pay for an annual trimet pass for me once we move downtown. How sweet is that?! 6:49 PM Jan 12th from Tweetie

Funny, I'm on 82nd, not Division.... #trimet

Twitter / Patricia Wiggin: Why can't @trimet's 57 line EVER be on time!?!? Shoot me. 4:28 PM Jan 12th from txt

Twitter / Joe Wilson: @trimet driver on bus 2531 just stopped in auto lane to pick me up, rather than cut off man on bike in bike lane. Awesome. More please. 4:19 PM Jan 12th from Echofon

Twitter / Lisa Vequinox: police the rude drivers of Trimet. Things are getting out of hand. create new jobs in pdx that way with undercover riders! 1:00 PM Jan 12th from web

Twitter / Lisa Vequinox: Someone needs to police the rude drivers of Trimet. Things are getting out of hand. My DH asked a simple question and driver ignored him. 12:58 PM Jan 12th from web

Twitter / Katrina Wheeler: @seschloss @oregonian @TriMet Service also seems to be more frequent & more accessible in areas where its not needed as much 11:35 AM Jan 12th from web

Twitter / Chad Solomon: @oranviri Yes, But KCM can count via fares, TriMet does not log passes or transfers as you get on like KCM does. 7:58 AM Jan 12th from web

Twitter / Jenna: Also: I think I missed a memo from trimet changing bus schedules AGAIN. Feck. 5:10 AM Jan 12th from Echofon

Twitter / Oran Viriyincy: @atomictaco Oh and TriMet's old logo arrowheads partly resemble a Triforce, a powerful relic from Zelda. 6:41 PM Jan 19th from Tweetie

Monday, January 11, 2010

Scrolling large image test

January 10th, 2009

Twitter / antonymity: The Triforce is hidden in TriMet's logo. 5:42 PM Jan 9th from txt

Twitter / Jan Anderson: Wishing @DARTmedia ran buses & trains as often as @TriMet does! Burrrrrrrrrrrr 4:01 PM Jan 9th from Echofon

Twitter / Joe Carey: replaced the family car with and 3:03 PM Jan 9th from web

Twitter / Josh Belville: I'm sitting in Car 205, aka the Gunter Ernst Car, the first car to be delivered to TriMet in 1997. #themoreyouknow 2:13 PM Jan 9th from txt

punkrawker blogs on: Community Transit threatens Sunday Service

Saturday, January 9, 2010


TriMet: Resolve to Save Money this Year by Taking Transit

Erik Dewhurst (erikdewhurst) on Twitter: @jeffboek yep, just hopped on the bus with it. The 6' guy with the Mohawk didn't even look twice at me or the computer. #trimet 2:44 PM Jan 7th from web

Working at home due to downtown pdx power outage. Took my work desktop home on the bus. Actually getting work done now. 1:46 PM Jan 7th from web

Twitter / ADRIIIIIIIIAAAAAN!!!: got to school two minutes late. they made me call Trimet to prove that there was a power outage and the MAX was super behind. 9:55 AM Jan 7th from txt

Twitter / Joseph Rose: A thankless job? ;-) RT @trimet: We are currently seeking candidates for the Executive Director, Operations position. 1:07 PM Jan 7th from TweetDeck

Twitter / Mary Peveto: Kudos to pdx trimet for keeping things running through the rose qtr power outage. Still getting me where I need to go on time. 1:43 PM Jan 7th from Echofon

Twitter / John Chandler: I'm brushing up on my Spanish thanks to recorded TriMet announcements. #laultimaparadainlazonauno 5:38 PM Jan 7th from mobile web

Should TriMet have fired the bus driver? | | Upcoming Shows

Twitter / .@TheSquare Does this mean I can board a @trimet bus or train with a "suspended transfer" for a year? 6:34 PM Jan 7th from TweetDeck

Busted: TriMet driver had suspended license | - News - Portland, Oregon | Local & Regional

Twitter / Rian: OH "doo doo doo doo you've now entered the Trimet zone." 10:13 PM Jan 7th from HTC Peep

Twitter / Kassiane: @Trimet your eastbound guy on the 14 whos way behind is a shining example of why no1 w.other options chooses trimet. #crabbyundermedicat ... 12:01 AM Jan 8th from txt

Twitter / Mark Baker: Used new Milwaukie Park-Ride for 1st time this a.m., took 99 express - awesome. #trimet 8:35 AM Jan 8th from TweetDeck

Twitter / inessa monique vitko: give your @trimet operator a break! RT @pdxcommute: Driving, commute-related jobs among 2010's worst: #pdx #jobs 8:57 AM Jan 8th from HootSuite

Suspended license leads to TriMet driver's suspension | | Featured Videos

Twitter / Cynthia : Almost 3 hrs waiting 4 transport & in transit w/TriMet Lift has left me in PAIN. If I could stand on my head I'd be okay, lol! 3:07 PM Jan 8th from TweetDeck

Embattled TriMet Driver Placed On Leave - Traffic News Story - KPTV Portland

Twitter / Emily Gibson: Dear trimet...i am on the #17 and it smells like poop barf shit 3:24 PM Jan 8th from TweetDeck

Twitter / Tyler Spencer: I am witnessing 1 of 2 possible things: 2 intergalatic military masterminds OR two very nerdy gentlemen discussing video games. Ahh Trimet

Twitter / Travis Mielonen: @trimet really long time w/ no complaints. But long wait at union station & at steel bridge with no ancmts & roudy croud.. info is all they

@trimet finally some info! But the guys on their phones were too loud to hear the announcement. Did hear delays all the way to gateway. :(

Twitter / jennifer green: Bit of weird action at Sunset TC? TriMet gets help from PdxPolice. Why is this girl poking the transit cop?

Elmonica Junctions 1 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Flickr Photo Download: TriMet Route Map Early 90s and Flickr Photo Download: TriMet Map Early 90s Back

How thoughtful on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Someone graffitied the actual correct information onto this bus stop sign.

MAX Green Line Preview Ride - a set on Flickr

Twitter / Brett: The rain increases #trimet riders leading to crowded bus, this increases #stress and more #weirdshit goes down on the bus #cause&effect

Suspicious object that stopped MAX service not dangerous | - News - Portland, Oregon | News

King County, Washington salary database, including some lowly-paid transit operators

Video: KGW reporter blown over by 100 mph Gorge winds | Northwest Headlines -


Twitter / shmoove: Almost no one's on this bus. Doesn't stop the driver yelling about her day. #pdx #trimet

Twitter / Daniel Hückmann: MAX tracks damaged for northbound lines on the steel bridge. MAX completely backed up for blocks. #trimet #pdx

Twitter / shmoove: Peeps got on, everyone started talking football. I was the one barfing in the back. #pdx #trimet

Twitter / thomschoenborn: Trimet driver, dripping with sarcasm: "welcome to downtown and the FREE RAIL ZONE."

Twitter / tom bacon: Trimet driver 2916 wont shut fk up

Twitter / Alex Bertolucci: SUV just ran into @trimet max train by PSU Urban Center. Blocking an intersection @pdxcommute

Twitter / Timothy: 2 days in a row I have seen a Trimet person be a total asshole for no reason.

Twitter / MrMojave: I lose about 70 minutes every week because the Green Line leaves PiSq one minute before the Blue Line arrives. Weak. #trimet

MAX glitches strand hundreds of Blazers fans outside Rose Garden after loss | Oregon Local News -

TriMet: News Release - TriMet's Milwaukie Park & Ride facility opens for riders

Streetsblog San Francisco: How Google and Portland’s TriMet Set the Standard for Open Transit Data

Davin Studer (maxmemoirs) on Twitter ("Mostly updates about odd or funny stuff I see while riding the Trimet Max line with an occasional bike or bus commute incident.")

Photo of bad parker on the Portland Mall taken by Joseph Rose

KATU: Two more cases may be linked to suspect dubbed the 'TriMet Barber'

KATU (includes video): Victims: Man cut our hair while we rode TriMet

Daily Journal of Commerce: Cuts planned in case Measures 66, 67 fail ("The Oregon Department of Transportation would cut $1 million in grants to transit districts across the state that pay for rides for elderly and disabled people who can’t get around otherwise. TriMet alone would lose $405,000 under the proposal.")

TriMet Renewable Energy Project -

Snow + West Hills + lack of tire chains = TriMet mess | My Oregon -

What the hell is wrong with TriMet and they have no one answering the phone at 10pm to close? - TriMet Sucks for Pets | Google Groups

random policy concept: family transit passes - transcon | Google Groups

new agenda item - transit - transcon | Google Groups

Portland and TriMet learn lessons from snowstorm |

Streetcar project sees five options identified

Streetcar gaming | Old Town -

Goodbye Fareless Square |

Preemptive Karma: How Other Regional Transit Systems Are Coping

Twitter / Nathan Garvison: Air conditioning on the MAX. It's warmer outside. Thanks, Trimet. You make me appreciate my wool coat. :/

Twitter / Lisa Brandt Heckman: Auggh! They booted us all off the 14 due to mechanical problems. Waiting for another from the garage to rescue us. #trimet

Twitter / Karen Evans: first, my 54 was 8 mins late, now my 47 is at least 10 mins late. awesome effing day! #trimet

Twitter / marsala1: Fellow bus rider just said he is giving up on trimet and buying a car. Wow.

Twitter / gazellesoncrack: just got a call from @trimet re: a NYE complaint I made (a MAX just didn't show). Can't believe they called- I am impressed.

Twitter / Joseph Manley: Thank you Trimet for making me late to my first class of the term. Its ok, I forgive you. Every relationship has its ups and downs.

Twitter / Prophetnoise: Don't lie to me Zeffino. Trimet is not a fast cheap alternative. The same $ for the 1 gallon of gas it takes to drive it takes 4 x as long

Twitter / Reid Parham: The busses that don't smell like piss will smell like weed #trimet

--Jason McHuff,

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Twitter / shmoove: Almost no one's on this bus. Doesn't stop the driver yelling about her day. #pdx #trimet  Twitter / Daniel Hückmann: MAX tracks damaged for northbound lines on the steel bridge. MAX completely backed up for blocks. #trimet #pdx  Twitter / shmoove: Peeps got on, everyone started talking football. I was the one barfing in the back. #pdx #trimet  Twitter / thomschoenborn: Trimet driver, dripping with sarcasm: "welcome to downtown and the FREE RAIL ZONE."  Twitter / tom bacon: Trimet driver 2916 wont shut fk up  Twitter / Alex Bertolucci: SUV just ran into @trimet max train by PSU Urban Center. Blocking an intersection @pdxcommute  Twitter / Timothy: 2 days in a row I have seen a Trimet person be a total asshole for no reason.  Twitter / MrMojave: I lose about 70 minutes every week because the Green Line leaves PiSq one minute before the Blue Line arrives. Weak. #trimet  MAX glitches strand hundreds of Blazers fans outside Rose Garden after loss | Oregon Local News -

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


TriMet: News Release - TriMet's Milwaukie Park & Ride facility opens for riders

Streetsblog San Francisco: How Google and Portland’s TriMet Set the Standard for Open Transit Data

Davin Studer (maxmemoirs) on Twitter ("Mostly updates about odd or funny stuff I see while riding the Trimet Max line with an occasional bike or bus commute incident.")

Photo of bad parker on the Portland Mall taken by Joseph Rose

KATU: Two more cases may be linked to suspect dubbed the 'TriMet Barber'

KATU (includes video): Victims: Man cut our hair while we rode TriMet

Daily Journal of Commerce: Cuts planned in case Measures 66, 67 fail ("The Oregon Department of Transportation would cut $1 million in grants to transit districts across the state that pay for rides for elderly and disabled people who can’t get around otherwise. TriMet alone would lose $405,000 under the proposal.")

TriMet Renewable Energy Project -

Snow + West Hills + lack of tire chains = TriMet mess | My Oregon -

What the hell is wrong with TriMet and they have no one answering the phone at 10pm to close? - TriMet Sucks for Pets | Google Groups

random policy concept: family transit passes - transcon | Google Groups

new agenda item - transit - transcon | Google Groups

Portland and TriMet learn lessons from snowstorm |

Streetcar project sees five options identified

Streetcar gaming | Old Town -

Goodbye Fareless Square |

Preemptive Karma: How Other Regional Transit Systems Are Coping

Twitter / Nathan Garvison: Air conditioning on the MAX. It's warmer outside. Thanks, Trimet. You make me appreciate my wool coat. :/

Twitter / Lisa Brandt Heckman: Auggh! They booted us all off the 14 due to mechanical problems. Waiting for another from the garage to rescue us. #trimet

Twitter / Karen Evans: first, my 54 was 8 mins late, now my 47 is at least 10 mins late. awesome effing day! #trimet

Twitter / marsala1: Fellow bus rider just said he is giving up on trimet and buying a car. Wow.

Twitter / gazellesoncrack: just got a call from @trimet re: a NYE complaint I made (a MAX just didn't show). Can't believe they called- I am impressed.

Twitter / Joseph Manley: Thank you Trimet for making me late to my first class of the term. Its ok, I forgive you. Every relationship has its ups and downs.

Twitter / Prophetnoise: Don't lie to me Zeffino. Trimet is not a fast cheap alternative. The same $ for the 1 gallon of gas it takes to drive it takes 4 x as long

Twitter / Reid Parham: The busses that don't smell like piss will smell like weed #trimet

--Jason McHuff,